Description |
comments |
status ( todo , in progress , done ) |
define XML-format |
done |
decide what parser and if DOM/SAX |
done |
implement a reader |
done |
test dom4j as an alternative |
postponed |
validation: DTD, validating parse |
dtd-defined. handling validation errors, evtl. |
done |
validation: XML-Schema |
test: use XML-Schema also |
postponed |
implement a writer, |
done |
write document type, using DTD also |
on Okt 2, 02 |
add "file" menu with "save" |
done |
README.txt and LICENSE.txt are not in zip-file |
in it5 |
refactor XMLWriter to take not a filename, but a
java-class which can be a file, a Buffered-something, etc. This would allow to provide in the tests sth. like a character-stream, which can than be easily tested ! |
postponed |
TestXMLWriter, TestHTMLWriter: no asserts yet (only
visual testing till now !!) |
postponed |
check, if all new files, like DTD are in dist |
in it5 |